Friday, October 09, 2009

Sonnet 2, The Distances, Second Series (from The Songs Of The Erinnyes, Sonnets, Odes, and Elegies by Jay Noya, Brigantium Press)

Sonnet 2

Today more than ever you must accept my love as sound
As a love that surges and discharges itself and is a hidden sea
It’s a love that is as perpetual as the boundaries of the heavens above
And originates in the void that is memory and desire and temptation
Your voice intercepts me and stirs me and washes over my limbs
Your hands map and shape and traverse my head and torso
Your tongue transmits a poetry of impending hazards to my lips
And I pursue you day and night and dream you as you reshape
The hours of the day and sing my body and words and hold me
In a narrow bed and we wrestle and knot our legs and whisper
And reduce all else to the rudimentary exertions of loving
But even now breathless and waiting and out of words
Are present the preamble and sweet vagueness of the divine

© J. Noya, 2009