Thursday, December 04, 2008
The Romance Of Clouds In A Western Sky (from The Songs Of The Erinnyes, Sonnets, Odes, and Elegies by Jay Noya, Brigantium Press)
The Romance Of Clouds In A Western Sky
I raise my head to watch the heavens
To a view out of the kitchen window
To a massive slab of the western sky
There’s a perforation there’s a gap in the clouds
And in a matter of seconds I recognize the shape
I recognize the massing and undulating lines
It’s your face in that lengthening and contracting crack
In that temporary (fifteen minutes’ worth) fissure
It’s you I tell myself I’m seeing in the evolving shape
And I drink another glass of white wine
And linger by the window and watch
As the fissure dissolves to be replaced
By another bank of white and grey
And charcoal black clouds that erase
What I’d seen and knew then to be you
But even now I’m reluctant to step away
Defeated and wager myself that you’ll return
That you’ll reappear somewhere personified
In that waving and wrinkled cloud fabric
Unrolled across the western firmament
It’s you I’m waiting for so do hurry along
My darling and return to me whole
Return to me as a rose and a long day
Return to me and revive my heart
© J. Noya, 2008